Skylar Edwards 是一位继承家族第四代滚压成型技术的千禧一代。 自从他六年前接手以来,位于印第安纳州格林菲尔德的 Custom Metal Industries 增加了多个轧辊成型机; 但是,他们仍然使用他祖父在 1969 年购买的前辊来运行长面板。 “长”这个词是相对的。 虽然移动式辊轧机继续突破长度限制,但大多数辊轧机,如 Custom Metal,都面临着如图所示的两位数长度的挑战。


Edwards:在俄亥俄州辛辛那提,我跑过的最长的面板是 55 英尺 2 英寸。 我从我的家人那里听说过过去运行更长的面板的故事。


Edwards: Its difficult to run 29 gauge Lo-Rib panels at long lengths (3/4-inch rib, 9 inches on center). Our 26 and 24 gauge Hi-Rib panels have a stronger design and are better suited to run at long lengths.
Are there any tips you can share on how it can go successfully?
Edwards: Practice.


Edwards:我们使用的是我的祖父 Pope 于 1969 年购买的原装 Bradbury rollformer。它喜欢厚钢。


Edwards: The equipment works great, even at 50 years old.
Our primary concern is producing a well-formed panel. These lengths tend to take more time because of our attention to quality and detail.


We did some hotels in the Chicagoland area. We used 24 gauge Hi-Rib on the project and the panels were around 40 feet.
The main hurdles with long panels are the transportation and hoisting on the roof. However, the benefit is that the panels cover a large area without any seams.


我们主要在美国中西部和东部采购。 我们很幸运,我们的隔壁邻居是一家卷材涂布机。 射频
