Shield Wall Media, with help from METALCON and the MCA, has completed the mid-year State of the Industry Survey. The purpose of the mid-year survey is to measure changes in market sentiment from the previous survey. Rather than focus on an entire year this survey focused on year to date and predictions for Q3 and Q4 2023.
With a few exceptions the general expectation is positive. For all respondents, 68% predict the same or improved profitability for Q3 and Q4 2023.
Manufacturers are generally more positive than builders, dealers, contractors or all respondents. Manufacturers experience a Q1 and Q2 profitability equal to builders and distributors with 40% reporting an increase.
For Q3 and Q4, Manufacturers have the most positive outlook on profitability with 44% predicting an increase compared to 26% for dealers, 39% for builders and 39% for all respondents.
Rollforming subscribers report a better Q1 and Q2 in both gross sales and profitability than any other category. Predictions for Q3 and Q4 remain positive with 35% predicting increased profitability and 41% predicting no change. This is slightly lower than reported for all respondents and 9% less than predicted for manufacturers. RF