It is almost time for our Annual CSI Survey release. Our magazines go to the printer several weeks before they mail to you. As I write this column, the election is over and we will be sending the survey before you receive this in the mail. This URL provides access to the survey:

Or you can access the results through any of our magazine websites. 

The intent of our survey is to gauge market sentiment for the coming year. As the choice of President will have a huge effect, we are holding off releasing the survey until after the election and the emotion returns to normal. With that in mind, we plan to release the survey the week of November 11. 

cWe are providing the CSI-Annual & Market Report to all our subscribers free of charge.

We believe data is necessary to make good business decisions. If you see value in data for our markets and use this information in any way, there are a few simple things you can do to help: 

• First and foremost, take the survey. The more responses we have, the more complete the data. 

• Tell people and share this information. The more people who know about this, the more people who will take the survey. The more people who take the survey, the better the quality of the data we can provide. 

• If you are a dealer, distributor, or manufacturer, consider sponsoring a section. If you look at the metrics, this CSI-Annual & Market Report (and our Directory) are the most cost-effective products we have to reach our audience. 

Thank you for your confidence and support as we continue to grow and support the industries we serve. RF

Please complete the survey at and share it with your colleagues. A larger survey sample generates more reliable information.