October 26-27, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana
The Construction Rollforming Show is designed for roll formers. Not small contractors. If you need to learn about metal forming or speak directly with manufacturers who sell in pallet, container or truck load lots, this show is for you.
Updates will be published at constructionrollformingshow.com.
2022 Educational Topics:
- The sales process
- Correctly adjusting gap for different materials
- Roll former maintenance schedules
- Tooling and when to replace it
- Condensation prevention materials
- Coil basics
- Coil buying
- Ventilation and ridge vents
- Buying your first roll former
- Buying vs. leasing capital equipment
- Carport roll forming lines
- Third party software and what it does
- Benefits of design software
- Pro Tips On books as a selling aid
- Underlayments for metal roofing
- Paint and coating basics
- Fastener basics

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Anyone who is involved in the metal-forming trade is welcome to sign up for a free print or digital subscription of Rollforming Magazine. This go-to resource for construction metal-forming professionals is published 6 times per year.