After skipping last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Frame Building Expo returned Jan. 18-20. The show, held in Nashville, Tennessee, had much to offer. More than 120 exhibitors offered all manner of construction-related components and equipment.
Feedback indicates the show was a hit with exhibitors and attendees alike. Both groups were ready to get out and get down to business.
Equipment manufacturers were all pleased with the venue and with the opportunity to connect with existing customers and the chance to build new relationships.
One exhibitor said in the twenty years he has been in the trade, the second day of the three-day show was the best he had ever seen. Another exhibitor said it was their first time at the Expo, and it was better than anything they could have hoped for. Others were not so exuberant, but still said they had a good show.
Frame Building Expo returns to Louisville, Kentucky, in 2023. Show dates are February 22-24. RF