After so much planning, anticipation, and hard work, the Fall trade shows have come and gone. I hope you were able to take in at least one construction trade show this year. They are an invaluable source of information for both your business and your own professional development. I walked away from both of these shows knowing much more than when I went in. In this edition, you’ll find post-show event coverage of the Construction Rollforming Show. 

It’s hard to believe that 2023 is only a few weeks away. To finish off the year, I encourage you to help your customers get more recognition for their good work. If you have roofer-customers whose work you admire, encourage them to send their best roofing project to Metal Roofing Magazine to be published* in the Metal Roofing IDEA Book. 

If they build post-frame buildings, encourage them to send the information about their completed projects to Frame Building News to be published* in the Buildings of the Year edition. 

Rural Builder has a special edition, too. The Source Book will be filled with outstanding building projects. We’re on the lookout for all types of buildings (ag, commercial, residential — you name it!)

In addition to each of these special editions, we publish a Project of the Month in every other edition of Metal Roofing, Roofing Elements, Rural Builder, Frame Building News, and Garage, Shed & Carport Builder. There are literally dozens of opportunities each year to get information about your business published in nationally distributed magazines — and it doesn’t cost anything. 

Getting published in Shield Wall Media’s trade magazines is an excellent way for your customers to be recognized among their peers and get established as an expert in the industry. As their supplier, your business will receive recognition, too. And it is you who will have helped them gain free positive, national recognition for their business. You are helping their business and you are helping your own business.

If you have any questions or want to help them participate, please let me know. Email me, [email protected] RF