Tapered metal roofing panels may not be considered unique these days, but portable roll formers can make it easier for contractors to perform more unique jobs. For example, New Tech Machinery’s equipment was ideal in completing a Dallas job where an unusual copper roof had to be replaced. For this particular project, the existing 16,000-square-foot roof was originally hand built using interlocking 3×3 pieces. Because the roof was shaped like the letter “S,” every single piece had to be tapered. The original copper roof had taken installers eight months to complete.

Metal Master Roofing and Construction used copper-colored steel to replace the copper roof. New Tech’s tapered panel equipment was used to fabricate continuous panels from eave to ridge. Other contractors asked to submit bids on the project were unable to provide the continuous panels manufactured by New Tech’s portable roll former.

“The equipment was easy to use and the crew was ready to start fabbing panels after only a few experimental panels,” says Phil Miller, who worked on the project. “The most difficult part of the roof was calculating the amount of taper each panel would need in order to have every panel the same size from first to last. Because every section of the roof was a different length, the math had to be done differently each time.” RF

Originally published as “Portable Roll Formers Make Tapered Projects Easier & More Efficient” in Fall 2018 Rollforming Magazine